Awards Schedule & Notification Procedures



Promote Award Nominations: “Coming Soon” message to all members to start thinking about nominations when it opens in December.

December 4

Awards "Call for Nominations" via ƵeNewsletters, ƵCommunities, and other Ƶpublications.

March 1

Applications for Nominations Due.


Committees and Awards Juries review applications and select award

April 15

Deadline to complete the online Award Recipient Form (every award must be submitted by the Chair, using the "Award Recipient Form", to be listed in the Awards & Acknowledgements brochure).

This deadline also applies to the SISs that will be selecting SIS award recipients.

Late April

eBriefing of Awards Announcement sent to the membership.


Letters to be sent via email to the award recipients. Information regarding the Awards Luncheon and Presentation will be included.


Awards to be mailed to recipients.


ƵAwards Reception during the Annual Meeting & Conference.


Award Recipient Information Formdue April 15.

  1. Notify recipient(s) of award. Verify with the recipient the information needed for the Award Recipient form (see form procedures below).It is important to confirm with the recipient how they want their name and/or institution information to appear.
  2. Inform recipient that award disclosure is confidential until the official Ƶannouncement in mid-May.
  3. Notify the person(s) who submitted the winning nomination. Inform the nominator(s) that award disclosure is confidential until the official Ƶannouncement in mid-May.
  4. Notify the individuals who submitted nominations that were not chosen. The notification should thank the individual for taking the time to submit the nomination and note that the committee/jury chose another recipient from the pool of nominations.


  1. In the "Name of Recipient" box, indicate the name of the award winner (individual, institution, business, chapter etc.).
    BE SURE TO CONFIRMwith the award winner how the name should appear.
  2. In the "Institution" box, include the name of the institution, exactly as the award recipient wants it to appear.