³ÉÈËÊÓƵResearch Fund: An Endowment Established by LexisNexis®
On July 17, 2000, the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ (AALL) announced the formation of the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵResearch Fund, an endowment established with a $100,000 pledge from LexisNexis®. The fund provides a secure financial base, enabling the LexisNexis Research Grant Jury to carry out the Association’s Research Agenda. That agenda encompasses research in the major topic areas of provision of legal information services, law library collections, legal research, the profession of law librarianship, and law library administration.
- The grant will fund one or more projects of value to those professions that create, disseminate, or use legal and law-related information. The ³ÉÈËÊÓƵResearch Grant program aims to stimulate a diverse range of scholarship in any format.
- One or more grants may be awarded by the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵLexisNexis Research Grant Jury twice a year. All grant applications are reviewed by the jury to identify the most meritorious projects for funding. The total amount that may be awarded for each round (not to exceed $5,000) will be determined before each application deadline. The next application deadlines are December 1, 2024 and May 1, 2025.
- Areas for potential research may include, but are not limited to, those described in the Association’s Research Agenda.
Selection Process
- Proposals must be submitted following the instructions on the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵResearch Grant Application Form (attached). The project proposal must:
- Demonstrate significance and originality in the context of existing literature and research;
- Propose appropriate strategies for conducting the research based on the topic or issue selected, including a plan for systematic analysis that will produce objective and reliable results;
- Show feasibility to be completed within the established time frame and budget;
- Include a preferred means of disseminating project results, within the requirements stated below.
- Criteria for selection include:
- The pertinence of the research question, the appropriateness of the research, and the feasibility of the work plan;
- The intellectual significance of the project, including its potential contribution to scholarship in librarianship, law librarianship, or legal fields, and the likelihood that it will encourage research in a new direction;
- The qualification, expertise, and level of commitment of the project director, and appropriateness of chosen staff;
- The promise of quality, usefulness, and impact on scholarship of any resulting research product;
- The potential for success of the project.
Applicant Eligibility
- Applicants should have experience with research projects, and an understanding of the creation, dissemination and/or use of legal and law-related information. Applicants may be individuals or partnerships.
- Preference will be given to members of AALL, working individually or in partnership with others.
- Applicant(s) must provide a resume and statement of their qualifications for carrying out this project. ³ÉÈËÊÓƵreserves the right to request additional supporting documents.
- Applicant(s) currently working on an ³ÉÈËÊÓƵResearch Grant of any type is not eligible to apply for another research grant until the previously awarded grant is judged complete.
- Participation in this ³ÉÈËÊÓƵresearch project shall not be denied to any applicant or abridged on account of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.
- The project should be completed within one year of receipt of the grant. Extensions of the deadline must be approved by the staff liaison.
- After a grant has been awarded, a check for 75 percent of the amount of the award is issued to recipient. Upon completion of the project and approval of a final report and a final product, 15 percent of the remainder is issued. The final 10 percent is issued upon acceptance of the final product for publication.
- Modifications to accepted projects must be approved by the staff liaison.
- Reimbursement of all grant monies may be required for any project that is not completed within the agreed upon time period.
- Although the research may be conducted in a language other than English, grant recipients must furnish a copy of the final report in English to the staff liaison.
- The allocation of these funds is at the discretion of the LexisNexis Research Grants Jury. The decisions of the jury are final. The jury reserves the right to make no award.
- Any unused grant funds must be returned at the end of the research project.
- Grant recipients will provide a semi-annual report and a final report to the staff liaison.
- Semi-annual reports must include:
- Activities that have been completed;
- Activities that must be done;
- Problems encountered and plans to overcome them;
- Expectations for results;
- A summary of expenses, including any proposed changes to the approved budget.
- Recipients will provide a written report to the staff liaison at the conclusion of their research project, as outlined in the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵResearch Grant Reporting Guidelines. The final written report may be published in an ³ÉÈËÊÓƵpublication, at the discretion of the Association.
- The Final Report shall provide a URL link and/or citation to the final product.
- The budget should include all costs that can be specifically identified in the proposal. Applicants should indicate the type and amount of contribution they expect from their institution, including in-kind allocation of time and resources. No specific financial commitments by the institution are required but, if submitted, those commitments will be weighed in the evaluation of the proposal. If the applicant is to be given leave for the research project, this should be noted. Institutional overhead is not an acceptable budget item within the parameters of the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵgrant, nor should overhead be listed as institutional support. (Note: ³ÉÈËÊÓƵgrant proposals must be submitted to the appropriate grants office of the applicant’s institution, if any, prior to submission to AALL. The grants office must accept the terms of the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵResearch Grant Program, and evidence of this acceptance must be included with the application materials.)If funding from sources other than the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵgrant and institutional contributions is anticipated, the budget should reflect the source and amount of such contributions, regardless of whether they have been solicited or received at the time of application.
- Possible expense categories are:
- Salaries and wages (e.g. salaries and/or fringe benefits for support staff or other salaried personnel, not salaries or honorarium for principal grant winners);
- Consultant services;
- Travel costs for work on the project;
- Supplies and materials;
- Other (including such costs as rental of space and/or equipment, communications, and computer services).
- Requests for modification of the budget must be approved by the staff liaison. Requests for modification of the budget must be accompanied by a revised budget.
- Download and submit the Research Grant Application along with all the required documentation.
- Applicants must follow instructions on the application form.
- Grant recipients will submit their final report and project results by the scheduled date. ³ÉÈËÊÓƵretains a right of first refusal for publication or other use of project results. If the project results are not accepted for publication in an ³ÉÈËÊÓƵpublication or the Association declines to make some other use of the results, the grant recipient may publish or distribute the research results in another manner. In that case, recognition of ³ÉÈËÊÓƵsupport must be included with the research results. Ownership rights to the project results, including copyright or other intellectual property rights, are subject to negotiation between the grant recipient and AALL.
- For further information, contact ³ÉÈËÊÓƵDirector of Information Technology, Christopher Siwa.
³ÉÈËÊÓƵResearch Grant Reporting Guidelines
After a grant has been awarded, a check for 75 percent of the amount of the award is issued to the recipient. Upon completion of the project and approval of a final report and a final product, 15 percent of the remainder is issued. The final 10 percent is issued upon acceptance of the final product for publication.
A semi-annual report and a final report must be submitted to the staff liaison. The content of the reports are outlined below:
Semi-Annual Reports
- Technical Report (two to three pages, maximum)
- What activities have been completed?
- What remains to be done?
- What problems do you anticipate?
- How do you plan to overcome problems?
- At this point in your work, what do you think the results will be?
- Financial Report (one page)
- Categories of planned expenditure (e.g., supplies, travel).
- Amount to be spent in each category.
- Amount spent to date in each category.
- Amount still to be spent in each category.
Final Report
- Technical Report (three to five pages, maximum). Please include brief answers to the following questions:
- What was the original problem and research question(s)?
- What did you actually do and how does it differ from your original plan?
- What problems did you encounter and how did you deal with them?
- What answers do you have now for the research question(s) asked in the proposal?
- How has your work contributed to a solution of the original problem?
- What else could be done to answer the research question(s)?
- What are your plans for disseminating the results of your work?
- Financial Report (1 page)
- Categories of planned expenditure (e.g., supplies, travel).
- Final Product (approximately 15 pages)
- Amount you planned to spend in each category.
- Amount you actually spent in each category.
- Brief explanation of differences between B and C.
- Attach originals of all receipts/documentation for expenses itemized.
The final product should be a detailed report on the findings and results of the research project. The final product should be written according to the Law Library Journal (LLJ) Publication guidelines and in consultation with the LLJ editor, unless another ³ÉÈËÊÓƵpublication (print or web-based) or an independent standalone print or web-based publication is deemed to be more appropriate. ³ÉÈËÊÓƵretains the right of first refusal as regards the final product.
If the final product is to be delivered in a format other than an LLJ ²¹°ù³Ù¾±³¦±ô±ð;Ìýformat must be authorized at the time of the last semi-annual report.
The final product shall prominently indicate the following: Funding for this project was provided by the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ (AALL) Research Fund (an Endowment Established by LexisNexis®).
The final product will be considered complete for the purpose of meeting the requirements of the research grant when it has been accepted for publication.
2020 - 2024 2023-2024
LexisNexis Research Fund Grant
- Heather Agnew
Enhancing Legal Research Skills Through a Puzzle-Based Approach - Marcelo Rodriguez
Virtual Law Library of Territories - Alyson Drake and Amanda Watson
Spaced Retrieval & Retention of Law School Learning - Li Zhang
The Potential Effect of Career Path on Judicial Behavior of Circuit Judges
LexisNexis Research Fund Grant
- Trezlen Drake
FCIL Collections in U.S. Academic Law Libraries - Caroline Osborne
Scholarly Impact and Status Using An Empirical Study of Library Directors and Law Deans - Thomas Striepe and Savanna Nolan
Effectiveness of Research Plans: A Case Study
LexisNexis Research Fund Grant
- Casandra Laskowski and Andrew Christensen
Building Data Infrastructures for Bespoke Faculty Services - Erin Gow
An Investigation of Law Librarianship Degree Requirements
LexisNexis Research Fund Grant
- Amanda Bolles Watson, Leslie A. Street, Amanda Runyon, and Amanda Karel                          Measuring Quality in Academic Law Library Public Services
- After evaluating all applications, the LexisNexis Research Grant Jury did not issue an award in December 2020.
- Katarina Daniels
Law Librarians Leading the AI Charge in Law Faculties and Across University Library Systems
- Heather Agnew
2010 - 2019 2018-2019
LexisNexis Research Fund Grant
- John Cannan
The New Orthodoxy: How Congress Passes Laws Now - Joan Bellistri, Sara Galligan, and ³ÉÈËÊÓƵGovernment Law Libraries SIS (GLL-SIS)
Law Library Services to Self-Represented Litigants: A Survey - Tina Ching
A Comparative Legislative History of State Sanctuary Laws
LexisNexis Research Fund Grant
- Michael J. Slinger and Sarah C. Slinger
The Complete Periodical Literature of Law Librarianship: An Annotated Bibliographic Research Database - Nick Harrell and Scott Uhl
Search Methods of Legal Scholars - Duane A. Strojny and Alissa Raasch
Learning Outcomes, Assessment, and Skills Teaching In Librarian-Taught Legal Research Courses
LexisNexis Research Fund Grant
- Alexander Jakubow and Jon Ashley
Looking Forward by Looking Back: Insights from a Text Analysis of the Law Library Journal
LexisNexis Research Fund Grant
- Neel Agrawal
African Drumming Laws: Colonial Governance of African Customs - Laura C Dabney
Legal English Terminology (L.E.T) - Nisha Mistry and Alison A Shea
Enhancing Access to Global Urban Legislation: A Case Study of the United Nations’ UbranLex Database
LexisNexis Research Fund Grant
- Amy Taylor
Internet Sources in U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs: A Citation Analysis - Kristina J Alayan and Jane Bahnson
An Empirical Study Comparing LLM Comprehension Following Live and Recorded Lecture - Stacy Etheredge
The Impact for the Lewi v. Casey “actual Injury” Requirement on Litigation Involving Prison and Jail Law Libraries - Susan David deMaine and Benjamin J. Keele
Access to the Justices? An Analysis on Restrictions to the Papers of the Supreme Court Justices
LexisNexis Research Fund Grant
- Melanie Knapp, Rob Wiley, and George Mason University
Comparison of Research Speed and Accuracy Using WestlawNext and Lexis Advance - Andrea Alexander and Michelle Hook Dewey
Building Bridges: Case Studies in Best Practices for Law Library and Career
AALL/Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Research Grant
- Phillip Gragg
Upward Mobility and Career Prospects for the Dual Degree Librarian: A Quantitative Analysis of Our Profession and Projection of Career Opportunities Over the Next Two Decades - Shawn Nevers
Research Practices of Attorneys
AALL/Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Research Grant Fund
- Brian Anderson
Determining the Role of Law Libraries in the Republic of Rwanda: A Survey of Users, Uses, and Overall Legal Society
AALL/Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Research Grant Fund
- Julie L. Kimbrough, Leslie A. Street & Kathrine R. Everett
Assessing Collection and Holding Patterns for Print Primary Legal Materials: A Fifty-State Database - Melanie Knapp, Robert Willey & the George Mason University Law Library
Comparison of Research Speed and Accuracy Using Westlaw and WestlawNext
AALL/Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Research Grant Fund
- John Cannan
Drupal Constitutional History Project
- John Cannan
2000 - 2009 2008–2009
AALL/Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Research Grant Fund
- John Doyle
Law Review Submissions - Scott Frey
A Search Engine for Law-Related Public Domain Electronic Books
Research Fund: An Endowment Established by LexisNexis®
- Georgia Briscoe
Is Quality Control in Academic Law Library Online Catalogs Decreasing?
AALL/Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Research Grant Fund
- Dr. Joel Fishman
Index to State Judges’ Inductions, Memorials, etc. from the Official State Court Reports - Wendy Scott and Christine Demetros
Merging Reference and Circulation Services: The Savior or Undoing of Reference in Academic Law Libraries
Research Fund: An Endowment Established by LexisNexis®
- Jill Duffy and Elizabeth Lambert
Dissents from the Bench: A Compilation of Oral Dissents Issued by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices - Karen E. Kalnins
Oral Histories of Oklahoma Judges and Attorneys
AALL/Aspen Law & Business Research Grant
- Molly Brownfield and Dennis C. Kim-Prieto
Assessing Information Literacy of Law Students
AALL/Aspen Law & Business Research Grant
- Timothy G. Kearley
Justinian’s Code on the Web
Research Fund: An Endowment Established by LexisNexis®
- Charles R. Dyer
Bibliography and Essay on Cognitive Science and Linguistics for Law Librarians - Maria Protti
Law Librarian to Thurgood Marshall: A Search for Primary Material on the Relationship Between Howard Jay Graham and Thurgood Marshall - Kathleen Sasala
Index to Ohio Legal Periodicals
AALL/Aspen Law & Business Research Grant
- Charles Cronin
Music Plagiarism Digital Archive at Columbia Law Library - Karl Gruben
AmLaw 100 KM Survey - Betsy Mckenzie
Effects on PCs and Databases on Legal Analysis Skills
Research Fund: An Endowment Established by LexisNexis®
- Nancy Carol Carter
A Research Template for Building Indian Nation Archives
AALL/Aspen Law & Business Research Grant
- Kelly Browne
The Emotional Intelligence of Law Librarians - Kelly Kunsch
Research at the Washington State Archives
Research Fund: An Endowment Established by LexisNexis®
- Samuel E. Trosow
Open Access to Scholarly Communications in the Field of Law: A Preliminary Assessment of Existing Copyright Policies
AALL/Aspen Law & Business Research Grant
- Stephanie J. Burke, Kathryn Hensiak, & Donna Nixon
Assessing Information Literacy Among First-Year Students – A Survey to Measure Research Experiences and Perceptions. - David Selden
Reconsidering Indians of North America – Creating a Federal Indian and Tribal Law Library Subject Headings Thesaurus.
Research Fund: An Endowment Established by LexisNexis®
- Laura Orr
Brief Encounters of the Digital Kind: Digital Court Records in an Age of Diminishing Privacy - Samuel E. Trosow
The Impact of GATS on Public Law Library Service
AALL/Aspen Law & Business Research Grant
- Catherine Sanders Reach and David Whelan
Feasibility and Viability of a Digital Law Library in 2002 - ³ÉÈËÊÓƵGovernment Relations Committee, Chaired by Anne E. Burnett
Permanent Public Access of State Government Information: A State-by-State Compilation and Resource Guide
Research Fund: An Endowment Established by LexisNexis®
- Pamela Melton
Research Habits of the South Carolina Bar
Research Fund: An Endowment Established by LexisNexis®
- Xia Chen
Web-based Distance Learning of Principles of American Legal Bibliography - Kris Gilliland
How Lawyers Do Legal Research
- John Doyle