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**Digital Edition / Note that the digital edition is FREE for all current 成人视频members.** The 成人视频Salary Survey is the only source of comprehensive, comparative salary data for legal information professionals. The report published on November 20, 2023. Order your copy today! Nonmembers - $225.00 |
**Print Edition ** The 成人视频Salary Survey is the only source of comprehensive, comparative salary data for legal information professionals. Price includes shipping costs for materials sent within the United States. International shipping costs will be paid by the purchaser. The report published on November 20, 2023. Order your copy today! Members - $175.00Nonmembers - $325.00 |
** Print + Digital Edition ** |
The digital edition of the third 成人视频State of the Profession report provides meaningful, in-depth insights, updates, and data on the law library landscape. This edition highlights how law libraries in various organizations have bounced back following the pandemic, especially with respect to budgets and remote/in-person work. The complimentary Executive Summary provides additional details. Member - $179.00Nonmember - $279.00 |
The print + digital edition of the third 成人视频State of the Profession report provides meaningful, in-depth insights, updates, and data on the law library landscape. This edition highlights how law libraries in various organizations have bounced back following the pandemic, especially with respect to budgets and remote/in-person work. The complimentary Executive Summary provides additional details. Member - $309.00Nonmember - $409.00 |
The print edition of the third 成人视频State of the Profession report provides meaningful, in-depth insights, updates, and data on the law library landscape. This edition highlights how law libraries in various organizations have bounced back following the pandemic, especially with respect to budgets and remote/in-person work. The complimentary Executive Summary provides additional details. Member - $229.00Nonmember - $329.00 |
Get the latest developments in legal information delivered straight to your inbox! Sent Monday through Friday, KnowIt成人视频features member expertise on new products and industry trends as well as news and reports from a wide range of sources. This listing is for an individual subscription. Institutional pricing is available. Please contact 成人视频at media@aall.org for more information. NonMember - $89.00 |
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